Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 57

I really enjoy watching knitting shows on TV, and have wanted to learn for the longest time.  I am not one who enjoys going to classes, since I'm such an introvert, and I have never seen a program that was really about learning exactly how to knit, from a beginners stand point anyway.  After some searching, and searching and searching, I came across a DVD on called "The Complete Beginner's Guide to Knitting" by Nici Mcnally.  I borrowed some knitting needles and yarn from mom (she crochets, but doesn't knit) and threw the DVD in not really feeling confident, even though the reviews for this DVD are awesome.  But the needles and yarn I have are not the ones called for in the DVD, so I thought this might have a big impact on my learning.

I began following the DVD and got through the first two "chapters", which teaches you first Casting On, and then the Knit Stitch.  I got to the part where it tells you to keep going until you feel comfortable, and then pull it out and start over, and keep doing this until you feel you got it.  I turned off the DVD and just kept going and let me tell you, I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!!  I can't even believe I figured this out on my own, and the DVD is fantastic!  It's like she's sitting in the room with you, so detailed, and goes super slow so you see everything, and you can of course pause, slow down, rewind...etc...  LOVE IT!  I am seriously so excited about knitting and I want to keep going so I can perfect this and make the first scarf in the upcoming chapters on the DVD. 

Anyone who has wanted to try knitting needs to pick up this DVD!  Anyone can knit with it!!

Here is the DVD:

It was hard to get a good picture, so I tried a few with flash and without, also the yarn is burgundy:

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