Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 31

Well my wonderful family and friends, you've stuck with me for 31 days!  I can honestly say that I'm surprised I've stuck with this, but it's been fun and eye opening!  Because you have stuck by my side through bobble head cats and zombie dogs, I think you deserve something in return.  How about a bit of honesty?  No, you want money??  TOO BAD!  It's my blog after all, so you get honesty!

I come from a family of some seriously creative people!  My mom is super creative and artsy!  The woman can sew, draw, crochet, paint, sculpt and soooo much more.  My uncle is a great artist, and much more!  Their mom, a total seamstress!  My dad's mom and his sisters...crafty too!!  I seriously have asked on several occasions if I was adopted.  I do crafts, but nothing super special.  So why am I telling you this?  Well on to my honest confession of sorts, I've always wanted to be "artsy".  I've always wanted to paint, or draw, or sculpt, do pottery, something that is totally A R T...not crafts.  I don't know if it's because I just haven't found something that I'm "good" at, or just a fear of trying something and having it fail maybe?  Who knows, but as I get older, I sort of throw all that out the window and I'm willing to try things I wouldn't have tried years ago!  YAY for getting old!

Today's craft is something that has struck my fancy for a while now, but have been too afraid to try.  It's called "altered art" or in this case "altered book art"  The first fear comes from hurting a book.  I love books, I mean really LOVE books.  I can't even throw a book out.  Which is part of the reason I finally made myself try this.  It's not fair to have a book just sit on a shelf and collect dust when it's has the potential to do something wonderful with it's life!!  Then there is the fear of having whatever I make look like a preschooler did it, but as stated above, the older I get, the less I care what others think.  Soooo, here is my first attempt at altered art!  I won't really go into what it "means", because isn't the whole point and fun of art??  Trying to figure it out?  So here you go, try to delve into the recesses of my mind.  HA!  Good luck with that!

(FYI...you can click on any of the pictures to see them in a bigger size.)

Here is my altered art book.  The left side is a collage of pictures, and the right a collage of words that stood out to me.

A close up of the picture collage side:

And  close up of the word collage side:

One more of the whole book:

And last, here is proof it's a book!  If I had more time, I would have glued some of the pages together to make the work area thicker, but it's suggested you let it dry overnight, and I didn't think to do that yesterday!:

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