Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 4

As I was falling asleep last night, I was trying to decide what project to do today. I actually had a few ideas, which surprised me. Even though I'm really tired when I get home from work, I look forward to getting out the craft supplies and doing something creative. I think it's a nice distraction from work and general stress, and it makes me feel productive. Crafting is good for the soul, or so I now believe!

I have a few small glass vases/candle holders (depends on how you look at them) that I had picked up from the dollar store a few months ago. I had been planning on using them for the wedding, but decided they wouldn't work for what I had in mind, so they needed a new purpose. I also have tons of red and black buttons as well as red and black beads of various sizes for another wedding project that I again decided wouldn't work. This is what happens when you start planning the wedding 17+ months in advance, so many changes! The last piece to this craft, or much needed storage anyway. My mind went to work and I came up with a useful project, one that will be used for years to come. Somewhere to put our craft pens! So without further ado, here is what I came up with!


Not only did I come out of today's experience with a wonderful pen holder, I also had my first 365 day craft challenge injury. I blame Stan. Usually when I start wielding the glue gun he gives me the very short but stern "be careful, don't make me take the glue gun away from you like I used to do with my mother". This time, no stern warning, not even a second glance at the potential torture device. This is what happens when he doesn't warn me of impending doom...

That is a hot glue blister on my left ring finger in case you can't tell what your looking at.

Though I am in horrible, horrible pain, and feeling faint with every tap of the keystrokes, I believe I will live to craft another can only hope! Sympathy cards are welcome. :)

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