Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 86

After some searching online for some bookmark ideas, I came across an origami bookmark and thought it would be a good way to incorporate the two things I have been enjoying lately, bookmarks and origami! 

I really can never have enough bookmarks, so even though it may seem like overkill, every bookmark I've made to date has found a home snugly in a book, since I tend to read a few books at a time.

This bookmark was made with a piece of origami paper cut down to 3" x 3".  I used the template HERE.

Here is how it looks on the book:

Here is the paper I used, before I started folding, cut down from 6" to 3":

Here is the bookmark folded, all lonely, looking for a home on a nearby book (awwwww!):

Here is the other side of the bookmark, like how it saves me from dog-earring any corners:

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