Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 77

I decided on a simple craft today and revised the Origami Stationery.  I chose a project that actually incorporates two different origami folds.  The finished origami is called a "Pillow Note", but it incorporates another origami called "Ship Mates".

First I folded the Pillow Note, which is pretty simple, just a few folds here and there.  Then I went and folded the two pages that make the Ship Mate origami.  You put the Ship Mate origami inside the Pillow Note, finish folding and the Ship Mate sits inside the Pillow Note, with the edges "fluffy" like a pillow.  It's pretty neat actually...

Here it is finished:

Here is the paper I used for the Pillow Note:

The folds needed to make the finished note:

Here is the paper used for the first half of the Ship Mate note:

Finished folds for the first half of the Ship Mate note:

The paper chose for the second half of the Ship Mate note:

Take the two half's and join them:

Joined and finished Ship Mate note:

Put the Ship Mate inside the Pillow Note and tuck the corners of the Paper Note and tuck them into the folds of the Ship Mate:

All tucked and "fluffy" like a pillow!:

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